Thursday, February 2, 2017


Laudable parenting doesn't just happen; it's hard work, a huge investment of spiritual, physical, emotional and mental energy. It takes grace to get it right and reap the rewards.
Let's thank God for the privilege of being parents. Also, thank Him for your own parents or those who stood as parents for you as you were growing up.
We are praying for grace and wisdom for parents to be able to show their children the right path. They will make the right decisions about their welfare, education, health, etc in Jesus name.
We are praying that the fruit of the Spirit will operate through the lives of parents. This is so that they can model Christianity for their children to see.
Let's pray that they will be patient and loving towards their children. They will be able to correct in love, and not vent their frustration and anger on their children. Their good attitude will compel their children to respect and obey them, and love God.
Let's pray for parents of challenging children that they will receive the grace to bring their situation under control. The Lord will turn the heart of their children to Him in Jesus name.
Let's pray for foster parents and those who have chosen to adopt that God will create a strong bond of love in the family. Let's pray that the children will bring and find peace and joy in the homes.
Let's pray for parents of disabled children that God will strengthen them to cope with the extra demands of parenting.
Even if you're still single or waiting for your miracle baby to be born, you can still pray these for yourself as you pray for others. May the Lord give rest and peace of mind to every parent in Jesus name.
Scriptures to meditate on: 1 Samuel 2:9; Genesis 18:19: Proverbs 3:5-6

Grace for parenting is taken from  CRISIS-PROOF YOUR FAMILY led by Mrs Kemi Oyedepo. Its day 25 of prayer and fasting and today we are praying for Grace to parenting our children.